TDD is Debugging Features Into Existence

Two books I’ve read recently, Making Software and Beyond Legacy Code, have touched on Test Driven Development and made some interesting points I hadn’t thought of before. In Making Software they bring up addictiveness:

Could it be addictive? Personal communications with TDD developers suggest that it is an addictive practice. It changes the way people think and their approach to coding in a way that is difficult to roll back. Therefore, leaving TDD practices may be as difficult as adopting them.

Oram, Andy; Greg Wilson (2010-10-14). Making Software: What Really Works, and Why We Believe It (p. 215). O’Reilly Media. Kindle Edition.

From my personal experience and the people I’ve talked to, TDD/BDD is absolutely addictive. I’ve been lucky to experience working professionally in two completely different environments in respect to testing. For the first programming job of my career, I knew of tests and what little I wrote, I wrote in a test-after fashion. The process there was your typical: think about a problem, come up with some solution, type it in, run it, see what doesn’t work, fix that, and repeat. As you can imagine, I got very good at debugging there since that was what I spent most of my day doing.

At my next job as the second engineer at SideTour, though, the entire app had been test driven from day one. I was even able to pair full time with the CTO and learned how to do it effectively. I picked it up quickly and was immediately hooked to the point that I test drive all of my side projects as well.

Bugs Are Missing Tests

I’ve wondered for a while now how I picked up such a different process so quickly, and it wasn’t until I came across Beyond Legacy Code that it really started coming together. In the chapter “Bugs Are Missing Tests”, David Bernstein says:

Every bug exists because of a missing test in a system. The way to fix bugs using TDD is first write a failing test that represents the bug and then fix the bug and watch the failing test turn green.

Most of the writing I’ve seen around TDD and BDD explains it from a feature perspective first, but if you look at it from a bugs perspective you can easily reframe features as debugging them into existence. Once I started thinking about it like this, it makes a lot of sense why I got so hooked. Being someone that enjoys and is pretty good at debugging, it is obvious that a process which turns programming into a constant debugging session would click. It is a bug that the feature doesn’t exist, so you need to write a failing test that exposes that bug.

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